Two Side Embossed Carving Of Namazi

The divine ‘Salah’ in natural diamond offering ‘namaaz’ gives a sense of divine innovation, peace and tranquility. The embossed diamond carving requires great amount of exceptional skill and perseverance as diamond is the hardest known natural material.

This sculpture showing two different times depicting the scene of a man offering namaz consists of 10 objects in a single piece of a diamond. One side giving an impression of a light grey depicting day light has a carving of a man, 2 minarets and a mosque dome. And then repeating the same image on the reverse side with an addition of a crescent moon and a star giving a dark grey effect depicting the late evening by retaining the diamond skin.

In the history of diamond carving, it is for the first time that such a phenomenal work of divine art has been undertaken. It took nearly two years from planning to execution in the making of this creation. It is so well structured and precisely proportioned that it exhibits:

The carving showing a pious muslim with a beard wearing a cap, sitting on his knees, his garment with loose sleeves and arms raised.

The man fingers and thumb are clearly separated which is extremely difficult to carve.

It reveals perfect symmetry balance from every side giving a 3D-effect.

The minarets are intricately carved. The larger of the two minarets can be seen to be behind the arches of the mosque.

To carve the roundness of the pillars, the dome on the top and the balcony with its fine grill is a patience consuming art.

It is indeed a unique piece which never before has GIA provided on its certificate with the shape: Two Side Embossed Carving of Namazi. It’s being recognized and displayed at the GIA Museum (Carlsbad, California) and on GIA website.

The dedication for having carried out to perfection this art of divinity is a wonderstruck.

Indeed it is !“دعا کی ہالل”!