Carving Of Shivling with Nag

Shivling is the holy symbol of Lord Shiva. It requires some divine energy and perseverance to envisage a Shivling with nag and render it. Nowhere in the world, a shivling carved and sculptured entirely of a black diamond, exists. It is the first time that a shivling has been made from natural diamond.

Each portion of Shivling denotes some specific deity:

The upper part denotes as Shiva, the Destroyer who looks after the involution.

The middle region denotes Vishnu, the preserver who looks after the existence.

The lower part dedicated to Brahma, the creator who looks after the evolution.

A proper gap has been created between the shivling and the serpent and that calls for supreme craftsmanship.

The groove of the shivling from where water of the Abhisheka would flow out has been explicitly carved.

The sculpting of the curvature of serpents head requires tremendous skill and patience to carry out its smoothness.

The coils of the snake symbolize the past, present and future-time in cycles.

The snake looking in the direction of the Shivling signifies that the lord’s perpetual laws of reason and justice preserve natural order in the universe.

The snake is believed to be the Vasuki Naga.

It is a unique piece which never before has GIA provided on its certificate with the shape: A Carving of Shivling with Nag. It’s being recognized and displayed at the GIA Museum (Carlsbad, California) and on GIA website.

The entire carving has been done in one piece of material. It took more than a year from planning to execution in the making of this creation. It is indeed the first time that such a unique piece of divine work in the black color natural diamond has been undertaken.