Welcome to MOONSTARS

Moonstars is the only Diamond Carving and Sculpting company in the world based in Mumbai. Diamond is the symbol of purity and Sculpture is the art of intelligence. A diamond jewelry can scintillate you for a second or hours but a diamond sculpture can scintillate you forever. For years, the concept of jewel art remained unexplored. My purpose is to bring innovation in shapes with the purity of diamond. To change the way the world sees the hardest material on earth by utilizing its full potential.

It has taken years of passionate hard work and perseverance to do unusual carvings and sculpting in diamonds which has never been documented in the history of Diamond industry. Our pieces were highly appreciated by the world's foremost laboratory GIA: 'Gemological Institute Of America'. We also received an invite and displayed our art at the GIA Museum (Carlsbad, California).
GIA Museum Exhibit Carved Diamonds


I have been in the diamond industry since 1987. As a soul is placed in the body like a rough diamond which must be carved, sculptured and polished to sustain its brilliant luster. Similar has been my journey from a rough diamond assorter to Diamond carver and sculptor.

I established my own business of manufacturing polished diamonds after learning and implementing skills of rough diamond assorting in the subsequent years. I sincerely owe all my craft & creativity to the master craftsman Mr. Mahendra Shah. I was inspired to create fancy artistic shapes in diamond through his exceptional carving techniques. Unfortunately, he passed away but I continued doing the research and put in efforts to bring out profound unique creations.

Our Mission

To create awareness with the constant dynamism of this ever-evolving Diamond Industry, we must content with the ongoing trend. After the most popular Diamond cut Round Brilliant, there comes fancy cuts in variety of shapes. But the pursuit of change is not limited only for conceptual art in diamonds.

My purpose is to inspire people with my profound, unique creations of sculptures affirming that excellence goes beyond sizes and shapes. Evolving with the world of opportunities, we can reshape the diamond industry with its insights and innovations.

Our Vision

To create an era with conceptual art that has never been seen before. To aspire a passion for excellence and create an eye for detail by bringing innovation to every sculpture by turning vision into lasting reality.

Our Value

Innovation is priceless. It has created an immense value to us when my artwork of carving sculptures was highly-appreciated by the world’s foremost institution ‘Gemological Institute Of America’. It has also been recognized and displayed at the GIA Museum (Carlsbad, California).
GIA Museum Exhibit Carved Diamonds