Carving Of Crucifix

Crucifix, meaning ‘(one) fixed to a cross representing Jesus on a cross. The crucifix is not merely a revered religious symbol but is held in the highest esteem as an emblem of sacrifice of humanity.

Carving of a diamond into the precise shape of an object of jewel art requires supreme patience and dedication. It was a divine vision to carve a crucifix using hand held tools and making optimal use of laser technology considering each and every small detail. Diamond carving is not easy when one considers the fact that diamond is the hardest material known.

The contrasting expression on the face, Christ the Redeemer invoking compassion and mercy on mankind is very well brought in the carving.

This piece elegantly trapped every intricate and minute details of the ribs, muscles, toes and other body parts with sharp relief. The nailing of the wrists and feet, wrapping of loins-cloth holds vivid details.

Being an extremely ‘Rare’ piece of carving, it creates an immense value that GIA has provided certificate with the shape: A Carving of Crucifix. It was also being recognized and displayed at the GIA museum (Carlsbad, California) and on GIA website.

The dark gray Crucifix is thus, not only a rare masterpiece but also a harbinger of a breakthrough in the history of the art of carving and miniature sculpting.